Generate a new keystore "testkey.keystore" as follows:

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA -keystore testkey.keystore -alias testkey -validity 1460

Using this command, the keytool will generate a new keypair and create a self signed certificate for its public key. To create the certificate, the keytool will prompt for the necessary bits of X.509 information.

To sign the applet, use code similar to this (this code snipped was copied out of an Ant script):

<exec executable="${env.JAVA_HOME}/bin/jarsigner.exe">

    <arg value="-keystore"/>
    <arg value="testkey.keystore"/>
    <arg value="-storepass"/>
    <arg value="changeit"/>
    <arg value="-signedjar"/>
    <arg value="output.jar"/>
    <arg value="input.jar"/>
    <arg value="testkey"/>

In order to run an applet signed with this key, the generated certificate may have to be imported into the Java plugin. For this, the certificate must be exported and stored in a file (e.g. 'testkey.cer'). The command line used to do this is:

keytool -export -alias testkey -file testkey.cer -keystore  testkey.keystore

The default keystore password is 'changeit'

Sharing Java objects between class loader instances

'Framework > 아키텍쳐 일반' 카테고리의 다른 글

양화 구축  (2) 2009.06.08
AOP  (0) 2009.06.08
여섯번째 계 - Encapsulation  (0) 2009.04.14
중복을 볼 수 있는 눈  (0) 2009.03.13
Here is Dragon  (0) 2009.03.12
Posted by bleujin
카테고리 없음2009. 5. 28. 05:05

3년전쯤에 지인에게
사회는 변증법적으로 발전해나가기에 정치 문제에 있어서도 특정 당 지지보다는 순환 사이클이 바람직해 보인다는
말을 한적이 있다.

MB를 지지하진 않았지만 그가 대통령이 되었을때
영화나 만화에서처럼 뚜렷한 선악 구별이 어려운 현실 사회에서
그도 그 나름의 역할이 있고 미진하더라도 나름의 역할을 할 것이라고 생각했""다..

일찌기 현자 간디가 말한 7가지 사회악을 보니

첫째- 원칙 없는 정치 (Politics without principle)
둘째-노동 없는 부 (Wealth without work)
셋째- 양심 없는 쾌락 (Pleasure without conscience)
넷째- 인격 없는 교육 (Knowledge without character, 인격 없는 지식)
다섯째- 도덕 없는 경제 (Commerce without morality,도덕성 없는 상업)
여섯째- 희생 없는 종교 (Religion without sacrifice)
일곱째- 인간성 없는 과학 (Science without humanity)

새삼스레 간디의 혜안이 놀랍기만 하다.

가끔은 그들도
다른 사람이 이상한게 아니라 사실은 내가 이상한게 아닐까? 라는 고민을 해보길 간절히 바란다.

지난 몇달간의 일련의 사태를 보면서 고결한 신이 되길 바란적은 없으니
힘들지라도 그냥 존경할 수 있는 이전 대통령으로 존재해주길 바랬다.

다른 나라 처럼 우리나라에도 존경받는 대통령 한명쯤은 있어도 되지 않는가 싶었다.

그 시간들이 고 노무현 전 대통령께는 고통이었고 그 바램들이 나에게는 사치스런 욕심이었나 보다.

여러가지로 힘든 계절이다...

Posted by bleujin
Framework/Another Lore2009. 4. 30. 11:26

Permissions encompass the restrictions imposed by any access control restrictions that may be in effect upon the content of a repository, either implementation specific or JCR-defined

In repositories that support Access Control this will include the restrictions governed by privileges but may also include any additional policy-internal refinements with effects too fine-grained to be exposed through privilege discovery

Permissions are reported through
     boolean Session.hasPermission(String absPath, String actions)

which returns true if this Session has permission to perform all of the specified actions at the specified absPath and returns false otherwise. Similarly, void Session.checkPermission(String absPath, String actions) throws an AccessDeniedException if the this Session does not have permission to perform the specified actions and returns quietly if it does.

The actions parameter is a comma separated list of action strings, of which there are four, defined as follows:

  create: The permission to add a node at absPath.
  update: The permission to set (add or change) a property at absPath.
  delete: The permission to remove an item at absPath.
  read: The permission to retrieve (and read the value of, in the case of a property) an item at absPath.

The permission actions add_node, set_property and remove will only be relevant in a writable repository. In a read-only repository they will always return false. The information returned through these methods only reflects access controlrelated restrictions, not other kinds of restrictions such as node type constraints.

For example, even though hasPermission may indicate that a particular Session may add a property at /A/B/C, the node type of the node at /A/B may prevent the addition of a property called C.



import com.bleujin.lore.core.TestCaseParent;
import com.bleujin.lore.core.exception.ALRepositoryException;
import com.bleujin.lore.core.node.Node;

public class TestSecurity extends TestCaseParent {

  private Group adminGroup = new Group("admin");
  private Group normalGroup = new Group("normal");
  private Member bleujin = new Member("bleujin");

  private Node lvl1 = null;
  private Node lvl2 = null;

  private NodeResource lvl1Resource = null;
  private NodeResource lvl2Resource = null;
  private TransientSecurityFilter sf = null;
  private AuthoritySetting setting = AuthoritySetting.createDefault() ;

  public void setUp() throws Exception {

    lvl1 = createNode(objectType, "level1");
    lvl2 = createNode(lvl1, objectType, "level2");

    lvl1Resource = new NodeResource(lvl1);
    lvl2Resource = new NodeResource(lvl2);

    sf = new TransientSecurityFilter(setting);

  private boolean isAllowed(IResource resource, IUser user, NodeAction actionthrows ALRepositoryException{
    return sf.isAllowed(resource, user, action;
  public void testResourceInherit() throws Exception {
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.ONLY_THIS_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    // test include Sub
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT))// inherit..
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    UserAuthority lvl2Revoke = new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.ONLY_THIS_RESOURCE, Type.REVOKE);
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));


  public void testEqual() throws Exception {
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.ONLY_THIS_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    setting.remove(new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.ONLY_THIS_RESOURCE, Type.REVOKE));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

  public void testAuthorityInherit() throws Exception {
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, bleujin, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));
    bleujin = new Member("bleujin");
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, bleujin, setting.readAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.REVOKE));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

  public void testUserInherit() throws Exception {
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("manager")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

    bleujin = new Member("bleujin");

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

  public void testMultiGroup() throws Exception {
    // adminGroup <- bleujin
    // normalGroup <- bleujin
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, normalGroup, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.REVOKE));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

    normalGroup = new Group("normal");
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("write")));

  public void testGroup() throws Exception {
    // adminGroup <- normarGroup <- bleujin
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.GRANT));
    setting.add(new UserAuthority(lvl2Resource, normalGroup, setting.managerAuthority(), Range.INCLUDE_SUB_RESOURCE, Type.REVOKE));
    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, adminGroup, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

    assertEquals(true, isAllowed(lvl1Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));
    assertEquals(false, isAllowed(lvl2Resource, bleujin, NodeAction.create("read")));

'Framework > Another Lore' 카테고리의 다른 글

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AL : Workspace  (0) 2009.04.28
AL : Property Type Conversion  (0) 2009.04.26
Posted by bleujin